Last Cast: Native Trout-a-Thon Winners
A huge shoutout to all the participants and winners of our 1st annual Last Cast: Native Trout-a-Thon! Of course, we couldn't have done it without the help of our fabulous co-sponsors, KeepEmWet Fishing and Trout Unlimited.
We are super stoked for 2019!
- Longest Fish: 28" Prize: Day of Fishing w/ Kyle Smith of Trout Unlimited
- Joel La Follette
- Most Money Raised: $3325 Prize: Yeti Cooler
- Joel La Follette
- Individual Points: 70 Prize: Day of Fishing w/ Mark Sherwood of Native Fish Society
- Joel La Follette
- Team Points: 60 Prize: Cases of Pelican Brewing Beers
- Team TU
- Best Keep 'em wet Photo: Prize: Simms G3 Waders
- Will Worth
As an added bonus, Joel La Follette will be raffling off his personal prize winnings to his sponsor list. Way to share the fishy love, Joel!