Strong Runs Winter 2017

Strong Runs ~ Winter 2017 ~ Issue 11.1

If you're a member of the Native Fish Society keep your eyes peeled -- our latest Strong Runs newsletter should be showing up in your mailbox this week! This issue includes: Homewaters: Connection to Place by Mark Sherwood; Victory for the Wild Rivers Campaign by Dave Lacey; Coastal Cutthroat Curious by James Losee; Protect the Magic: Deschutes Update by Mark Sherwood; Support the Springer Revival by Jake Crawford; Vigilance on the Salmonberry by Ian Fergusson; Wild Yet? by Jason Small; The Sandy Case and its Ripple Effect by Doug DeRoy and Mark Sherwood and New Heritage Trout Waters on the South Fork Smith by Jake Crawford and Sunny Bourdon.

If you're not a member and want to receive Strong Runs sign up here!

Join Us for a Guaranteed Good Time for a Great Cause! We are excited to welcome you on Saturday, April 13th, 2024 for THE BIGGEST PARTY FOR WILD FISH IN THE UNIVERSE! When: Saturday, April 13th, 2024 | 5pm - 9pm | Where: The Loft at 8th Avenue - Portland, OR | What: A banquet and auction supporting the revival of wild, native fish, free-flowing rivers, and thriving local communities.